Brand Lists

Designer. Ryo Takenaga

“Design and performance that coexist with nature”

The constant change of the sky's expressions, the vivid blooming flowers, this breathtaking and magnificent earth,

a heart that can feel all of nature and perceive its beauty.

How amazing it would be if we could wear all these emotions on a daily basis.

The research of the fabric, the details pursuing its convenience, the sensation by having it touch one's skin while wearing it.

Achieving all of this and going forward to the future is also amazing and will help us live comfortable lives.

The framework is learned from the beauty of nature in combination with the modern function that is added to it.

While not an organic product, we aim to harmonize all of this.

JUHA is the fashion label launched in 2015.

Designer. Yuichi Mukaida

Designer. Yasuhiro Mihara 

1972年、長崎県出身。1993年に多摩美術大学デザイン学科テキスタイル学部に入学。1994年の学生時代から独学で靴を作り始める。1996年には靴メーカーのバックアップにより「archi doom」を立ち上げる。1997年に大学卒業後、名前を「MIHARAYASUHIRO」に変え、コレクションブランドとしての始まりを迎えた。
Born in 1972 Nagasaki, Japan. Entered Tama Art Design Department textile undergraduate in 1993. The next year, Mihara started self-study of making shoes.Two years later, in 1996, he launched his own shop “archi doom” that supported by some shoes manufacturer. After Mihara graduated in 1997, he renames “archi doom” to “MIHARAYASUHIRO” and started to present collections.

MIHARAYASUHIRO started as a shoe brand in 1997. Mihara’s design extracting everyone’s focus by his unique and surprising ideas. He always thinks out of box to bring people enjoy the playful theme of each garments in every collection.
Director. Tsuyoshi Noguchi

Designer. Takuji Yamada
Designer. Noriyuki Shimizu

群馬県出身 文化服装学院卒業後いくつかの企業でパタンナーとして活動後独立。
2010年 メンズブランドName.設立、2018春夏シーズン終了後退任

Born in Gunma, Japan. Noriyuki Shimizu 

graduated Bunka fashion college and succeeded in some brands as a pattern maker. In 2010 launched "Name", a Men's ready to wear brand in Tokyo, and lead the brand as a designer until 2018 S/S season. In 2018 established a unisex brand "WELLDER" and presents new collection from 2019 S/S.

ISSEY MIYAKE / ISSEY MIYAKE MEN パリコレクションの企画デザイン担当を経て独立。
2013年 自身のブランドTAAKKを立ち上げる。
TAAKK was established in 2013 in Tokyo, Japan by award-winning designer, Takuya Morikawa. Graduating from Bunka Fashion College and following an eight year tenure at ISSEY MIYAKE, Morikawa’s unique point of view to design and fabric innovation has earned the brand numerous accolades including the honor of Best New Designer by the Tokyo Fashion Awards in 2014 and 2017, as well as the Fashion Prize of Tokyo in 2019, awarded by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Japan Apparel Fashion Industry Council (JAFI). Since TAAKK’s inception, Morikawa has continued to reshape traditional ideas in menswear and push boundaries with his multidisciplinary approach to design.

Designer Yuji Yoshida

架空の左利き男性「ジョン メイソン スミス」のシグネイチャーレーベル。

A signature label by the imaginary left-handed man John Maison Smith.
Minimalistic modern daily wear expressed by the use of classic textiles and sewing methods.
Designer. Hideki Asakura

2004年、Non- Native by hoboとしてブランドを設立。

バッグをはじめとする実用的なイクイップメント(装備)と、ブレスレットやリングに代表される装飾的アクセサリー(装身具)。hobo は、相反する二つの性格を併せ持つ東京発のブランドです。ブランド名は、100年前不況の中にあったアメリカで、鉄道を無賃乗車しながら職を求めた hobo(放浪者)に由来します。彼らは権力からの解放と自由な魂を追い求めました。hoboはその姿勢を受け継ぎ、既成概念に囚われることなく、あふれる創意と自由な発想から生まれたデザインを、熟練した国内の職人の手仕事によって製品化しています。素材の持つ表情や風合い、付属パーツの重量感、立体感を意識したフォルムなど、細部にこだわったプロダクトは、使い込むことで、身体に馴染み生活に欠かせないモノへと変わっていきます。

hobo was established in 2004 aiming to create a range of robust, functional bags, designed to satisfy a variety of urban lifestyle needs. Balancing practicality with the ornate, a collection of bracelets, rings and other accessories were also introduced. hobo collections now include headwear, footwear, an expanding range of handcrafted leather goods and assorted lifestyle products. hobo takes its name from the travelling workers of late 19th century USA, honoring the independent and free spirit of the journeymen who wandered the American railways in search of jobs, their lives possessions packed into a small bag on their backs. hobo designs focus on utility, texture, form and original detail, produced with the highest quality materials and sturdiest parts. With almost all manufacturing taking place in Japan, each product draws character from the exceptional quality of Japanese craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Sanders & Sanders Ltd.は1873年にウィリアム・サンダースとトーマス・サンダースの兄弟によってラシュデンに設立された約135年の歴史を持つ、靴の聖地ノーサンプトン最後の実力メーカーです。Established in Rushden, Northamptonshire, in 1873 by the brothers William and Thomas Sanders, the company’s aim was to supply outstanding quality footwear to discerning customers

2020年にリリースされた SLIMANE 